[Poll] Which Enclosure Design is More Attractive to You?

Which Enclosure Design is More Attractive to You?
ACASIS News Center

ACASIS USB 4.0 Enclosure family will have a new member!!!!


The 1st generation of USB 4.0 Enclosure TBU401 (link: https://bit.ly/3h51EOT ) is one of our best selling products. Now we are trying to make a better one to enrich its functions and optimize the performance.


We have 4 drafts for its appearance, please let us know which will be the BEST one!! So we launched a poll in our Facebook Group to collect your opinions.


Click here to JOIN THE POLL NOW:  https://www.facebook.com/groups/acasis/permalink/1395943197532069/

(If you are not a member, it's easy to join after you fill the box)


3 attendees form you will win a lucky bounus (USB4.0 ENCLOSURE x1) before it's released!!

Valid Date: March 10, 2022


Option 1

Option 1


Option 2

Option 2

Option 3

Option 3


Option 4



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